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Monday, November 16, 2009

Dollhouse items so far!

Well as promised I am doing more updating :)! Hopefully it will continue!
Here are a few of the items I have been working on for my daughter's dollhouse so far.

Keep in mind I am just now putting them together and I still have a looonnnnnnggg way to go!
First is a photo of her bathroom sink :)! I used an old heart shaped wooden bowl and glued it on top of a wooden candlestick. It still wasn't quite tall enough so I then glued it on top of one of my dad's old English Leather cologne bottle lids!

To the left of the "sink" is a lamp I made out of several things :)! I took a sample perfume bottle, washed it out really well, let it dry, and filled it with different colored seed beads I had. Then I glued some little round plastic balls to it for the shaft of the lamp. Finally I took one of the lids my mom had brought from her old perfume and used it as the "shade".

Next is a closer view of the lamp :)! It's not as crooked as it appears in the photo :)!
Ok next we have her bathtub :)! It's not finished yet but here it is! I took some wooden globe looking things and glued them to one of those hospitial things (Don't worry this one is my mom's and she didn't use it :) )!
I still have to add the handles and the shower!
Oh and everything has to be painted and finished of course :)!
I will tell you I am REALLY struggling with making a potty! I just may have to break down and buy one of those :)!

Well that's it for now! I will hopefully post some pictures of her bedroom items within the next few days :)!

Thanks so much for taking the time to look!


Janna~Country Creek Creations November 17, 2009 at 5:20 PM  

Its coming together fabulously. I bet you are so excited! Great job!

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