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Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Yep that's right we had our first official flood... My daughter was taking a shower last night and the shower in their bathroom is handicap accessible so there isn't a huge lip on it to hold the water in.... Well she has had a cold and I told her if she would just stand there and let the warm water run over her that she would feel better. I was hoping it would break some of her congestion up. Normally she makes noise when she's in the shower, singing, playing, etc. Well she did for about 5 minutes and after about 10 more I decided to go check on her. About that time she rounded the corner and had a huge red mark on her hiney. It looked like hives (Her brother has had these before due to his allergies so I thought a doctor's visit was in our near future). As I went to step into the bathroom I noticed the floor looked like it was moving.
Since I hadn't been drinking lol (which I very seldom do) I knew it wasn't me. I just thought I was really tired since my daughter had gotten up the night before at 3 am with her coughing. NOPE it wasn't either of those things! My daughter had sat down in the shower and plugged the drain to let the water run over her. The huge "hive" was actually where she had been sitting on the drain. I thought the "hive" looked odd. I am not sure why I actually stepped into the water at this point. I think I was hoping it wasn't really happening lol. I used EVERY SINGLE towel we own to sop up the water and then called my husband and said " I don't have time for questions I just need to know if the shop vac can suck up water". He reassured me that it could so I began vacuuming it up.
Thankfully I arrived in the bathroom just as the water was getting to the carpet so I saved myself that catastrophe. I honestly have NO idea how it didn't flood the carpet because it was almost an inch deep throughout the bathroom. I guess I know how the floor slopes :)!

There's never a dull moment around here :)!


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