Oh my this past week has been an interesting experience to say the least. Our new puppy is named "Sparkles". My daughter wanted to name her Sparkles Lolita Keith Wilson and I somehow managed to get it shortened to "Sparkles". I should have named this dog "holy terror" because she is one little terror. Actually she is a West Highland White Terrier. I should have noticed that when we got her "terrier" is really close to terror lol...
Here is a photo of her when we first got her..

She is something of a MESS I tell ya! Here was our day with her the other day......
The kids are in the kitchen playing with her and I am in the living room working on laundry. All of the sudden they start yelling "Good girl" Sparkles has pooed on her puppy spot. Then the excitement gets more intense. As I walk into the kitchen to pick up the poo the kids are yelling, I can't quite make out what they are saying, but they are excited. The puppy had poo'd a bright pink balloon. The kids of course wanted to keep it and let it "grow". They wanted to turn this into some kind of science experiment.
I am trying to explain to them this is not good for the puppy and they really aren't "buying" my story... "but mom you said she couldn't eat crayons, and she has eaten lots and lots of them," I heard one of them say... Then "and you said chocolate could kill her but she ate my chocolate chip cookie"..... I guess I am lucky, I have a dog with a stomach of steel... Being that I have 4 kiddos that is a real necessity lol..
On to the middle of the day and I look up and Sparkles is running around the kitchen with something in her mouth.. I wasn't sure what it was so I go to investigate. Apparently the kids had given her a "glow stick" to play with and she had broken that open. My son is horrified because he said his dad told him "there could be acid in those". I look at him and said "NO not in a kids toy, surely NOT". I call his dad and find out it was merely a ploy to keep the children from breaking them open... Well do you think you could have told the DOG this perhaps.
Oh well I thought, we'll be able to find her in the middle of the night lol...
Last but definitely not least, I am still putting away laundry and I returned a call to my grandmother about a question she had for me. The kids were in the living room playing with the puppy and I stepped into my bedroom to answer her question. I spent about 5 minutes talking to her when the kiddos ran into the room.
I hung up with her and put on a show "America's Funniest Animals".
They were excited, and quite frankly it was time for them to settle down a bit because it was getting close to their bedtime. I sat with them for about 5-10 minutes and I decided to go add my spices to hubby's supper. He was working late and I wanted him to have a hot meal when he got home. I stepped into the living room and saw they hadn't put Sparkles back into the kitchen. (Let me preface this by saying the puppy isn't allowed on the carpet unless someone is with her because she is not completely potty trained yet. It is much easier to clean up messes off a hard floor than it is carpet, so I don't let her into the entire house yet).
I saw Sparkles and my heart sank to the floor, she looked as if she was covered in blood. I began to chase her and noticed she was running quite fast for an "injured" pet. She ran to the other end of the coffee table and picked up something. It was a pink paint bottle. It then dawned on me she wasn't in fact covered in blood but barn red paint. She had gotten hold of one of my paint bottles and had split it open. There was red paint EVERYWHERE, and I do mean EVERYWHERE.
I keep my paint in a very odd spot, but it had worked for me for years. I have a metal paint holder that spins around. It is a small rack, and I always kept it behind a chair in the living room. It is out of the way and is not normally noticed, until tonight. The puppy had found it.
Well 3.5 hours later and 3 steam cleaning sessions later, and 4 puppy baths,my carpet is normal again.
Needless to say, the puppy is fine (except she still has some red paint on her), the carpet is fine, and my paints now have a new home, in my closet where they should have been from the beginning.
Here is a photo of her after her adventure...

It was a long day,
Hugs Sam